The Maros River

3 Transylvanian CrestThe Maroscher family name comes from the Transylvanian county of Maros and the river that borders it is also called the Maros. The Romanians call it the Mures.

Since the last name “Maroscher” is derived from the Transylvanian geography rather than an person’s occupation or physical characteristic, I assume Dad’s ancestors were likely among the early German settlers in Transylvania.

Vati’s childhood

Käthe Maroscher and Gustav her son (my dad) , 1920.
Käthe Maroscher and Gustav her son (my dad) , 1920.

Dad’s father died when dad was 2 years 7 months old. His father contracted pneumonia while officiating at a cold and wet funeral. The picture is of Dad with his mom. It was taken the same month his father died.

We know very little about Vati’s (Dad’s) childhood. (“Vati” means “Dad” in German.)

Note: The picture shows Dad with his mom the same month as his dad died.