Author Talk – Village Chapel Church, Ashville, Ohio – Photos


Gerhard gave an Author Talk at Village Chapel Church in Ashville, Ohio, on April 14th, where he presented a “Cliff Notes” version of his book to the monthly gathering. The presentation was well attended and was followed by a book signing.




His friend, Mark Dawson, who is a professional photographer took pictures during the presentation and book signing.




Free book giveaway!

If you are a member of goodreads you have an opportunity to win one of 15 free books!

Just visit the goodreads website, then press the Enter Giveaway button. The Giveaway ends on April 20th, so don’t miss out!

The goodreads free book lottery is one way authors can increase the exposure of their books. Most winners write a review which further increases exposure!

Did we mention these are free? And you have 15 chances to win one!

Author Talk – Westfall High School


On April 8, Gerhard spoke to over 200 Westfall High School students in Williamsport, Ohio. His presentation began with a short description his family’s good life before WWII. He discussed the impact of WWII on his family: danger, near starvation, fleeing their homeland, all interspersed with courage and the miraculous survival. The presentation continued with his family’s coming to American  and living the American Dream.


At the end Gerhard discussed the foundations of America’s greatness and how we forget our foundations at our peril. The students were attentive and several stopped afterward to ask questions and thank Gerhard.

Author Talk – Village Chapel Church, Ashville, Ohio

Gerhard Maroscher will present a “Cliff Notes” version of his book “Why Can’t Somebody Just Die Around Here?” at the Village Chapel Church in Ashville, Ohio on Thursday, April 14, at 12:30pm. (This is an early heads-up for those whose calendars fill up fast.)

Following the presentation will be a book signing. If you would like to combine lunch (11:30 AM) with the talk, please call Marjorie at 614-989-6214 to make your lunch reservation.

Both presentation and lunch are open to the public!

More info:

Book Signing – April 9th, Circleville

Gerhard will be part of a Book Signing by Circleville area authors on Saturday, April 9, 2016, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at Studio One of Circleville.

You will get a chance to meet:

  • Susan A. Perkins- Author of the Promises Series
  • Patricia Beathard- Author of Schools of Yesteryear
  • Gerhard Maroscher- Author of Why Can’t Somebody Just Die Around Here?
  • Tom Harker- Author of Ukulele Man’s Song Book
  • Dale Heron- Illustrator
  • Christophe Rodriguez- Musician

Join us for readings and refreshments, books will be available for sale, and there will be door prizes!

Studio One of Circleville
250 E. Franklin Street
Circleville, Ohio 43113

Refreshments provided by Gary Dean of HER.

Selling books without leaving home


Not only do I have the best contractor in the county doing painting and renovations, I have the best read contractor!

Gary Wright, of Wright Builders (on the right) read the book several months ago. He recommended it to Jason Fuller who purchased two yesterday, one for himself and one for his dad.

The evening of his purchase Jason read the first 60 pages. I’m pleased to report he likes the book!

Author talk – Bloom-Carroll High School


Over the last two days I spoke to history students at Bloom Carroll High School in Carroll, Ohio. Yesterday the largest group I spoke to at one time was 60 students.

I spoke for 5 periods straight. Legs and voice held up! The students respectfully listened and I believe gained some perspective on life from the presentation. Several students asked for business cards. Maybe they or their parents will purchase a book?


Gerhard’s visit even got a write-up in the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette!

Book selling is a constant endeavor


Last week I sold a book to the plumber who replaced the disposal. Yesterday I sold a book to the generator maintenance guy. I hire well read plumbers and maintenance people!

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It isn’t the best new market for selling books, however, since they charge many times more for their services than I make on each book. 🙂

It proves again it does not pay to be shy when selling books.