I had the pleasure of telling my story to the Circleville Noon Rotary members today. I also sold some books – soon there will be twelve more happy readers!
The subtitle of my memoir is “A story of war, deprivation, courage, perseverance and triumph.”
It is available on Amazon.com and signed copies are available here.
My mother also sailed on the SS Ballou in 1951. I’ve been looking for the passenger list to find her but haven’t been able to find the full roster. Can you share it with me? That would be amazing! Thanks, Denise
Hi Denise,
I only have one page of the manifest of the USS General Ballou departing on March 31, 1952, for the USA. I obtained the list from Ancestry.com.
I suspect that the Ellis Island Foundation is another source of locating passenger lists. All I needed was my family’s name and the date we sailed to the USA. I saved a PDF of the page whereupon the names of our family appeared. That is the page that is printed in my memoir.
I’m sorry my response is so tardy. The notice of a comment on my website arrive in my junk folder for some reason. I must have missed your note. I was just answering a recent contact from another passenger who sailed on the ship in 1949, when I saw your note on the website for the first time.