At the book signing yesterday morning in Circleville, one of Gerhard’s friends and fellow yoga student had some good things to say about Gerhard’s book:
This account of actual events takes you on a journey into the human spirit and the will to survive under the worst circumstances imaginable and unimaginable. This is the side of war that our history books never discussed: the mothers who had to make unbearable decisions in fractions of a second, the fathers who were forced into the military or work camps never knowing if their family was alive, and the children who almost died from starvation.

This book is a must read for everyone. War is horrible and this will put you right in the thick of the fear, agony, strength, bravery and joyous moments of this family’s life. It will remind you just how lucky you are and make you look at life a little differently…possibly with gratitude.
Thank you Gerhard Maroscher, this has been a blessing to me!
Gerhard will return to the Scioto Valley Coffee shop in Circleville, Ohio, this Friday from 9am-noon to sign books again, so if you missed him yesterday, you’ve got another chance later this week!